What do you see when you Look at Me?
My mother’s almond shaped eyes, my father’s nose,
grandmother’s chin, pale skin, freckles, curly (fuzzy) white hair
Do you see my strong will even after losing it all?
Or my love for God and how I struggle
each day to remember He is with me.
That I don’t really like my reflection staring back at me.
The wrinkles around my eyes or their steel blue color,
The roads where I’ve been, the life I couldn’t defend
My scarred hands that worked to take care of everyone
A tattoo saying I’m fine and the prayer for God to save me
A sister, a mother, a friend
A number, an inmate, a prisoner of my own choices
The silence cries on my lips that hide the broken inside.
A harsh reality that I’m trying to make the most of
My feelings that I don’t belong…anywhere
This face, body, mind and soul showing a life living
…. Or do you maybe see yourself when you look at me.