Blonde hair, straight, and thin
Short with lots of curves
Meeting my eyes in the mirror
I see the years spent running .
A life truly unlived
Where did all the time go?
Oh there are stories no doubt!
But, few I want to tell.
I wonder what you see, when you look at me.
Do you see me in vain?
By the world’s microscope vision.
A view that splinters my image.
Are your eyes fogged in emotion?
Fractured by the pain I’ve caused you.
Maybe by the pain that was done to me.
Do you picture me as Broken?
As the number that was issued to me,
Or as the statistics that I’ve checked?
Do you see me as selfish?
Or am I caring to a fault?
Can you see me as a survivor?
As someone who is trying.
Slaying demons daily,
Giving everything I’ve got.
Have you completely given up?
Do you even see me at all?
Guess it depends in who you are.
None of this is who I am.
Boxes. Labels. Voices.
Constantly trying to define me,
They cannot contain me.
Like lighting bugs in a jar;
My Light shines through the darkness.
The light from the fire within
Forces the voices to sing a new song.
I see the boxes and labels burned up.
Leaving nothing but ashes.
A mighty Phoenix rises from them.
Soaring through my soul.
Looking once more at myself
At these blue-gray eyes in the mirror.
I am beginning to see the stars within them
Leading me to the cosmos within.
Infinite, vast, and ever expanding
I see me now, as I Truly Am.
The evidence of my identity
Written clearly in the lines on my hands.
Seeing my children helps me to understand,
How my creator sees me.
It helps me see the truth.
My spirit is full and lively
It knows no bounds nor limitations.
Full of curiosity and kindness
Beautifully and wonderfully made.
Full of hope, courage, and potential,
And faith to rise above.
This is who I AM.