I was always told as a child
Your eyes are the keys to your soul.
You will always find the truth
Even in a lie.
I found that to be the truth.
My eyes hold the keys
To my soul
And the keys
To my family
I seen so much over the years.
My eyes never told a lie but my soul
never went without being hurt every time
I asked a person something
I would
Look at their eyes.
They don’t lie
Your eyes
Tell the story of
Your life
I believe
My hands beat
The same way as my heart
The reason I say this is because
Your heart keeps your life
As I grew up I seen skills
Done with your hands when
You have a baby the baby grabs your hands
As you get older your hands show your life
When you look at women
Our hands and eyes tell the story
Of their life
Can hide marks over the years but
Cannot hide pain
It shows in your eyes
When u look at a women hands
Like I do
You see the story
As I grew up I
Watch my granny or mom cook
With their hands
You see the hard work
By the feel of the hands but
You can also feel your heart
I see
People with different stories
But I never understood
The whole truth of it