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by Tamara H.

Look into my eyes and you’ll see – that my
Beauty is more than skin deep. A heart
That’s forgiving – because it’s full of love – resilient
So I always rise above – the hate you give – envy
In your eyes – keep that smile because I know

Confident and secure – because of WHOSE I am…
A difference maker with purpose – showing others
That they can – heal, grow, change, and live… for
Today then tomorrow… leaving the past where it

Look into my eyes and you’ll see… why my beauty
Is more than skin deep. Not because of what I
Have or wear, but because of the life story –
I share… to let the world know -what Jesus
Christ does for me. He set this mental
Prisoner free! Guilt, shame, regret, and trauma
No longer define me. What hurts so good – is the
Healing journey… liberating and priceless… you’ll
See!! Look into my eyes and you’ll see… that my
Beauty comes from the Almighty God.

Uncle Prince, do you remember after my
Bicycle accident when everyday for
A month you taunted me? Laughingly saying
“You’re so ugly!” and “You’ll never get a man!”
Your words pierced my soul and broke my
Heart exponentially… I wanted to die because
Of the poison you projected onto me. Instead
Of making things right before cancer took your life…

You made mine hell then to hell took flight.
I proved you wrong again and again… manipulated and
Seduced powerful men… thinking I was flawed
When beautiful I am, was, and will forever be!
Taking my power back has liberated me… you
And I won… learning how to forgive, love myself, and
Others is a way of life for me. Now I prove to
Myself that I’m worthy!! By staying humble and
Kind despite adversity.

Look into my eyes and you’ll
See… a woman whose gold-filled veins reflect
Her true beauty!

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